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Child Find

Special Programs / Child Find
                                     Page Title: Special Education Department
                                                         P.O. Box 188, Eustace, TX 75124     
                                                 Phone: 903.425.5340     Fax: 903.425.5396

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Child Find Notice 


Eustace ISD Special Programs Department

Brett Powers, Special Programs Director 903-425-5340


Child Find Information

What is Child Find?

Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004 that requires States and Local Education Agencies (school districts and charter schools) to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing in the State, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in need of special education and related services (34 CFR§ 300.111). Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities, screening and evaluation designed to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities who are in need of Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Programs (Part C) or Special Education and Related Services (Part B).

What are some of the possible disabilities?

The term "child with a disability" means a child with intellectual disability, hearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments

(including blindness), serious emotional disturbance (referred to as "emotional disturbance"), orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services (34 CFR§ 300.8).

Who can initiate a Child Find Referral?

Child Find is a process that can be initiated by anyone with an interest in a student such as: a parent, grandparent, doctor, friend, relative, etc. Once a referral is received, an evaluation plan will be developed to address all the areas of suspected need.  Any evaluation will be provided at no cost to the parent. 

Who do I contact?

If you have concerns about a child’s learning, you can contact a campus administrator, counselor of the Special Programs department.

Eustace Primary  903-425-5191

Eustace Intermediate 903-425-5181

Eustace Middle School  903-425-5171

Eustace High School 903-425-5161

Special Programs Department  903-425-5340