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Bullying Policy


Procedures for Reporting Bullying

Stop Student Bullying

Eustace ISD uses the “STOP!T” mobile app to empower students to anonymously report safety, misconduct, or compliance concerns to protect themselves or others. STOP!T can also connect students to a Crisis Counselor from the Crisis Text Line™.

The STOP!T app can be obtained from the Apple iTunes Store, or Google Play.

If you do not have a smartphone STOP!T can also be accessed by using the  link below.

Stop It App

Stop!t ACCESS CODES by Campus:

Primary: Pups             Intermediate: Minsbulldogs             Middle: CodeGold             High: CodePurple

OR just Search: EUSTACE



Eustace take bullying seriously

This page is designed to give parents and students multiple ways to contact the district to report incidences of suspected bullying. It also provides information about bullying and resources available to teachers, parents, and students. EISD needs everyone’s help to keep bullying out of our district. 


Signs of being bullied:

•  Frequent headaches or stomach aches, feeling sick or faking illness

•  Changes in eating habits/skipping meals or binge eating

•  Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares

•  Declining grades, loss of interest in schoolwork, or not wanting to go to school

•  Sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations

•  Feelings of helplessness or decreased self esteem

•  Unexplainable injuries


EISD District Hotline - 903.425.5335

Campus Contacts:



High School - 903.425.5233



Middle School - 903.425.5167



Intermediate School - 903.425.5178



Primary School - 903.425.5188




Stop Bullying Teens

Parents Stop Bullying


Community Stop Bullying

Educators Stop Bullying

Procedures for Reporting Bullying